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Curtain Hug

Natural Birth Control

Develop an understanding & deeper trust in your body's innate wisdom

Natural Birth Control with the
Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) 

As a Fertility Awareness Method Educator (FEMM qualified), I educate women on understanding their bodies and recognising hormonal and other vital signs of health. 

I believe it is a woman's birthright to be an informed participant in her reproductive healthcare, with the ability to make informed choices on how to manage it. 

There’s a lot of uncertainty about what a ‘normal’ menstrual cycle is, how to manage unhealthy cycles, and how to avoid pregnancy without synthetic hormones or devices.

My 4-month coaching program addresses these uncertainties. This education includes, but is not limited to:

~ Reproductive anatomy & hormone roles

~ How to read your body's vital signs associated with the menstrual cycle
~ How to chart your signs and understand when you are fertile/infertile
~ How to predict your period (yes, you can plan for this sacred time)
~ What your healthy/normal pattern is & how to identify if something is ‘off’ 
~ Safe intercourse formula to avoid pregnancy naturally (for now or later)
~ How to increase intimacy between you and your partner

~ Feminine Embodiment practices to embody your sensual self

About FEMM 

FEMM (Fertility Education & Medical Management) is a Sympto-hormonal Fertility Awareness Method (FAM). There are many different types of FAMs however, FEMM’s method is one of the most effective.

FEMM’s science based method involves tracking cervical fluid, Luteinizing Hormone (LH) surge and (if desired) learning how to monitor your basal body temperature (BBT). This information can be used to identify the opening and closing of the fertile window each menstrual cycle, and can be used to avoid pregnancy with up to 99.6% effectiveness with perfect use.

This Fertility Awareness Method empowers women to manage their own fertility without needing synthetic hormones or devices. It isn’t hard, but requires education via a teacher, daily practice and commitment to creating new habits.  


This education is also supportive when wanting to conceive - understanding when you are most fertile.


Click here to read more about FEMM and the method. 

Natural Birth Control 4-month coaching package 

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Ready to empower your self?

If you have questions you can book a free 15 minute consultation today

4-month course includes


  • +10 hours of pre-recorded content over 4 modules

  • 4 x 30min 1:1 coaching sessions with Jaime Lauren

  • Printable charting materials

  • PDF FAM Guide

  • +1 year access to the recorded material

  • Community Facebook group


  • BONUS +4 hours of bonus content supportive for embodying your empowered sensual self

You will receive:

 ~ FAM education/training monthly

 ~ Personal feedback on your cycles & charts monthly

 ~ Guidance on how to use the method for contraception/ conception

 ~ Training on why & how to live in alignment with the energies of your hormones (MCA)

 ~ Guided Feminine embodiment practice to connect to your body

Current price $555

Original $695

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Past clients experience's

"Jaime has hands down rocked my world as a FAM coach. For the longest time, I was that girl that would show up at Gyno appointments without a clue of when my last period was.


Since working one on one with Jaime, I chart my menstrual cycle on a daily basis. All the dots are connections as to how my hormones and emotions ebb and flow based on where I am in my cycle. On the whole, I’ve come out with such deeper appreciation, curiosity, intuition and knowledge about my cycle, body and overall health — on a scientific and spiritual level.

I can safely say that with the tools Jaime has provided me, I look forward to getting my IUD removed and using this natural approach to birth control.

Thank you Jaime for helping me develop such a deeper trust in my body's innate wisdom. You've inspired me to walk the path of greater freedom as a healthy, whole woman. You are an incredible teacher and any woman who works with you will be one lucky lady.”

— Tiffany, New York


Doing the Reclamation Education Coaching with Jaime was life-changing. I can't believe it's taken 32 years for me to get an understanding of my menstrual cycle, and I can't believe that this information is not taught to women everywhere! I've had many ups and downs through my cycle, but never had the knowledge or understanding to feel confident in owning my hormonal changes, or contraception. Jaime is so knowledgeable. She is passionate, and cares so deeply about helping women understand how their menstrual cycle affects their lives. And she enabled me to understand things about myself that no doctor has ever been able to tell me! In fact, I now feel so sad that so many doctors have just prescribed me contraception so quickly, or suggested surgery to remove my fibroids without giving me tools to understand what was really happening in my body.


I now understand that a menstrual cycle can be a beautiful process, one that, when understood properly, can be appreciated for the highs and the lows! I feel confident in Jaime's scientific approach to contraception and will be using her advice to prevent conceiving. Until I am ready to have a baby, and then I will be using the same menstrual cycle awareness tracking to help me conceive! This course is for every woman everywhere, and Jaime will help you understand your own unique cycle.  It is essential knowledge for every woman, no matter what life stage you are in, whether you are trying to avoid conception or planning for a family. It's got information that I wish I had been taught as soon as I had a menstrual cycle. I highly recommend Jaime, it was such an amazing course!” 

— Alexandra, Sydney

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