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Introduction to your reproductive hormones

Updated: Dec 4, 2020

Are you curious to know what is happening each cycle in your reproductive years? Do you know that your daily changing hormones have an influence on your physical, mental, emotional outlook?

The menstruation cycle is regulated by the release of four main reproductive hormones, which interplay each cycle. These hormones have an influence on your physical, mental, emotional outlook and your connection to self and spirit. Understanding how these hormones impact you is a journey to self love

and acceptance.

The four main reproductive hormones are Follicle Stimulating hormone (FSH) and Luteinising Hormone (LH), which are developed in the brain and signal the ovary to mature and release an egg each cycle. The ovary produces Estrogen (before ovulation) and progesterone (after ovulation). Each hormone has a different role and triggers the release of the next hormone.

The chart below shows the dance of these hormones in a typical 28 day cycle.

Interplay of hormones and the menstruation cycle

Women in their reproductive years have a hormonal cycle of (on average) 28 days, moving through four unique phases, just like the moon.

Notice how the hormones fluctuate? Do you see how the woman is having a very different hormonal experience on day 3 to day 12, to day 22?

Given these hormones have an influence on our physical, mental and emotional outlook, it is no wonder that we can feel inconsistent throughout the month. Often though, women are not aware of where they are in their cycle, or how the hormones are influencing them. This is where the emotional roller coaster can creep in. Can you relate to any of these scenarios?

  • Feeling frustrated at not being able to stick to a diet or a new fitness plan for a whole month

  • Feeling a let-down for not wanting to follow through with social commitments

  • Feeling cranky or emotional and blaming 'PMS'

  • Feeling uncomfortable talking in front of a group of people, when at other times it feels easy

  • Feeling really tired for no known reason and drinking a second/third coffee to get through the day of tasks and duties

Without awareness of WHY you're feeling like this, it can feel overwhelming and confusing. But WITH awareness of your cycle phases and an understanding on how to work with them, these scenarios become a thing of the past.

Male Hormonal System

It is interesting to take a step back and contemplate how men have a 24-hour hormonal cycle — just like the sun. Therefore, each day they feel pretty consistent. Let that settle...

Women in their reproductive years have a hormonal cycle of (on average) 28 days, moving through four unique phases, just like the moon.

We have a different hormonal system to men! We can try to show up the same every day, like a man, but this is at the cost of numbing our feminine essence.

Or, we can choose to honor our feminine rhythm and benefit from trusting our bodies; feeling effortlessly balanced while experiencing health and well-being. With this, comes self-love and acceptance!

Head over to my blog post - Inner Seasons to learn about the phases in the cycle.

For a deep dive, check out Menstrual Magic, an 8 week online course, designed to connect a woman to her menstrual cycle and into her feminine essence.
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